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用户:AndreIP:[2019-05-04 02:21:06]
Which year are you in? <a href=" https://www.magojosemari.com/#devil ">lolita tiny tits pics</a> The video record that resulted from all this effort has helped turn what plenty of people in the space industry viewed as a funeral procession into something of a grand promenade. The shuttles will never fly again, but they have a different kind of value now. The things they did and the stories they tell can inspire and shame in equal measure—prodding us to make our way back into space and forcing us to explain ourselves if we don&#8217;t. The same is true of the men who flew the early missions. Just last Saturday, the very same Stafford and Cernan, now 82 and 79, flew to Lake Forest, Ill., to attend a rousing 85th birthday celebration for Jim Lovell, the Gemini 9 back-up and the commander of the Apollo 13 mission Andrews missed. All of the men are still active, all of them still travel and work (Lovell only grudgingly agreed to give up flying his own plane last year) and all of them, having done their generation&#8217;s bit to make America a space-faring nation, jolly well expect this generation to carry that effort on. That&#8217;s a message Endeavour&#8217;s victory lap ought to send too.
用户:JadenIP:[2019-05-04 02:20:31]
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用户:Nogood87IP:[2019-05-04 02:18:09]
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用户:AnibalIP:[2019-05-04 02:16:02]
A law firm <a href=" https://www.magojosemari.com/#darted ">young loli bbs porn</a> “I’m going to move you back a little bit,” Carter says to Schefter, “it has a little curve to it. Now, I’m going to catch the first one for you, so you can see the direction from which the ball is going to be coming.”